为了给虚拟化内存做准备,我们来支持堆,添加堆支持以后就可以使用 Vecor HashMap 等 rust 内建的数据结构,这些数据结构使用动态内存。
简单的 Bump 堆内存分配器,下面我们就具体看看,BumpAllocator 也实现了 GlobalAlloc
unsafe impl GlobalAlloc for Locked<BumpAllocator> { unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { let mut bump = self.lock(); // get a mutable reference let alloc_start = align_up(bump.next, layout.align()); let alloc_end = alloc_start + layout.size(); if alloc_end > bump.heap_end { ptr::null_mut() // out of memory } else { bump.next = alloc_end; bump.allocations += 1; alloc_start as *mut u8 } } unsafe fn dealloc(&self, _ptr: *mut u8, _layout: Layout) { let mut bump = self.lock(); // get a mutable reference bump.allocations -= 1; if bump.allocations == 0 { bump.next = bump.heap_start; } } } pub struct BumpAllocator { heap_start: usize, heap_end: usize, next: usize, allocations: usize, } impl BumpAllocator { /// Creates a new empty bump allocator. pub const fn new() -> Self { BumpAllocator { heap_start: 0, heap_end: 0, next: 0, allocations: 0, } } /// Initializes the bump allocator with the given heap bounds. /// /// This method is unsafe because the caller must ensure that the given /// memory range is unused. Also, this method must be called only once. pub unsafe fn init(&mut self, heap_start: usize, heap_size: usize) { self.heap_start = heap_start; self.heap_end = heap_start + heap_size; self.next = heap_start; } } fn align_up(addr: usize, align: usize) -> usize { let remainder = addr % align; if remainder == 0 { addr // addr already aligned } else { addr - remainder + align } }
- next 指向已分配和未分配的边界,开始指向 heap_start 也就是内存开始的地方。
- Bump 很简单,allocations 每次分配 +1 每次释放 -1 ,直到 =0 时 next 指向开始的位置,真实释放所有内存。
- align_up 根据 layout.align() 来对齐。
最后初始化 Bump 分配器
use bump::{BumpAllocator, Locked}; #[global_allocator] static HEAP_ALLOCATOR: Locked<BumpAllocator> = Locked::new(BumpAllocator::new()); // #[global_allocator] // static HEAP_ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap = LockedHeap::empty(); static mut HEAP_SPACE: [u8; KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE] = [0; KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE]; pub fn init() { unsafe { HEAP_ALLOCATOR .lock() .init(HEAP_SPACE.as_ptr() as usize, KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE); } }
也可以选择复杂但更成熟的第三方库,首先依赖 buddy_system_allocator
buddy_system_allocator = "0.6"
我用别人写好的伙伴分配器做例子分配堆内存,代码实现起来很简单,也很容易理解。建立 heap/mod.rs 内容
use buddy_system_allocator::LockedHeap; const KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE: usize = 0x30_0000; #[global_allocator] static HEAP_ALLOCATOR: LockedHeap = LockedHeap::empty(); static mut HEAP_SPACE: [u8; KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE] = [0; KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE]; pub fn init() { unsafe { HEAP_ALLOCATOR .lock() .init(HEAP_SPACE.as_ptr() as usize, KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE); } } #[alloc_error_handler] pub fn handle_alloc_error(layout: core::alloc::Layout) -> ! { panic!("Heap allocation error, layout = {:?}", layout); }
- HEAP_ALLOCATOR 实现了堆分配的 trait ,建立一个 HEAP_ALLOCATOR 作为分配器
- init 初始化一个数组来分配堆内存
- handle_alloc_error 是分配失败的处理器
main.rs 里调用,如下
#![feature(alloc_error_handler)] extern crate alloc; #[no_mangle] extern "C" fn rust_main() -> ! { clear_bss(); heap::init(); heap::heap_test(); trap::init(); task::init(); task::run(); }
- #![feature(alloc_error_handler)] 和 extern crate alloc; 包含分配器的 trait
- heap::init() 初始化
最后使用 heap::heap_test() 测试测试~
pub fn heap_test() { use alloc::boxed::Box; use alloc::vec::Vec; extern "C" { fn sbss(); fn ebss(); } let bss_range = sbss as usize..ebss as usize; let a = Box::new(5); assert_eq!(*a, 5); assert!(bss_range.contains(&(a.as_ref() as *const _ as usize))); drop(a); let mut v: Vec<usize> = Vec::new(); for i in 0..500 { v.push(i); } for i in 0..500 { assert_eq!(v[i], i); } assert!(bss_range.contains(&(v.as_ptr() as usize))); drop(v); println!("heap_test passed!"); }
[rustsbi] RustSBI version 0.2.0-alpha.3 .______ __ __ _______.___________. _______..______ __ | _ \ | | | | / | | / || _ \ | | | |_) | | | | | | (----`---| |----`| (----`| |_) || | | / | | | | \ \ | | \ \ | _ < | | | |\ \----.| `--' |.----) | | | .----) | | |_) || | | _| `._____| \______/ |_______/ |__| |_______/ |______/ |__| [rustsbi] Platform: K210 (Version 0.2.0) [rustsbi] misa: RV64ACDFIMSU [rustsbi] mideleg: 0x22 [rustsbi] medeleg: 0x1ab [rustsbi] Kernel entry: 0x80020000 heap_test passed! [kernel] app_0 [0x8002c018, 0x8002c938) Hello OS from app [kernel] Application exited with code 0
打印 heap_test passed! ,说明分配成功了。
具体代码请参考 https://github.com/buhe/bugu/tree/7